RD Ventures


RD Ventures backs exceptional talent to build lasting companies that aim to dominate their target markets.


We have a strong sense of purpose to continually push the technological innovation in blockchain, with an intent to align these interests with our partners.


The leading companies today have been built and guided by the most exceptional founders. We look for these core traits in companies which we invest in.

Due Diligence

We take a meticulous approach to identifying young companies which have the attributes to not only succeed long term but become a dominant player within the blockchain ecosystem

Agnostic and
Contrarian Approach

We take a holistic view to identifying projects, rather than investing in current trends or oversaturated sectors. These skilled teams have the ability to build and iterate quickly, while aiming to solve challenging problems in blockchain.

in our portfolio

in our portfolio



Cryptoblades Kingdoms


Get in touch

We are always on the search for talented project teams to work with. Whether you are involved in an exciting new project looking for investment or are seeking consultation on any aspect of your crypto-asset business. We are waiting to hear from you and ready to add value to your project.

How It Works

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“ We can handle the entire event life-cycle, taking the burden off you and your staff. ”

Caren McQuay, Co-Founder of Smart

What We Do